• 13Nov
    Author: Katherine Pisana Categories: Education, Technology Comments: 4

    Plugged InOnce upon a time, there was a photographer who traveled the globe, snapping stills of the magic that takes place in the backdrop of our busy lives. She had a son who she brought with her to more countries than I can name off the top of my head. In the process, she gave him the opportunity to learn from a world of no borders, a world of multi-cultures, a place where the differences represent the similarities and where nature organically translates the everyday into things for which to be truly grateful.

    When it came time to pick a school where her son could continue his education in a more formal setting, she realized that formality came with limitation. The physical walls that so often compose a classroom represented restrictions and limitations that were not present in the global classes her son had the privileged of attending thus far. So…the wheels started turning…and THINK Global School began.

    The world’s first global high school. 12 trimesters in 12 countries. Technology that connects students with teachers with mentors with the world. It’s an honor and a privilege to be part of a movement that will empower the incredibly fortunate young minds THINK Global Schoolwho will embark upon a path of education that truly represents the global mind to which we all contribute each and every time we click our mouse, google a word, post a blog entry, or even watch a video. THINK Global School is the best example I’ve seen of expanding the concept of education to create a new school of limitless possibility.

    Have a look for yourself, and see what you think.

4 Responses

  • Chris Says:

    “THINK Global School”, “a world of no borders, a world of multi-cultures”.
    It is more beautiful than it sounds, and a dream of so many 🙂
    How realistic is it in today’s world for “a” student with the painful economy?
    Do you know about any social programs that could make one’s dream possible ???

  • Aron Solomon - THINK Global School Says:

    Hi, Chris. You raise a great point – one that affects every school and every family. At THINK Global School, we’re absolutely committed to have the students at our school who will be the best fit. “Best fit” means that through their involvement, they will make the most significant contribution to the school and to the experience of their peers and teachers and, in return, they will get the most out of being a TGS student. So, to that end, we have made a VERY significant commitment to scholarships that will allow students to attend whose families can’t afford our tuition. And, as we tell everyone as we travel the world (I’m just back in North America from a one-month truly global journey) if you know of a student who would be that great fit, please encourage them to visit our website to apply. This invitation holds true without regard to their ability to pay.

  • Chris Says:

    That is wonderful to hear, somebody I know would be very interested, but she is a junior this year.
    Would she qualify to start TGS next year ?

  • Aron Solomon - THINK Global School Says:

    Chris…please email me at asolomon AT (replace the at with the symbol) thinkglobalschool.com
